Allora ti ci vuole una festa!
20 giugno al polo Fibonacci,
con Nikk Wylde e Lo Sfasciacarrozze!
Il 21 giugno ad eXploit,
Oratio in concerto!
Qui la locandina degli eventi!
Qui il sito di eXploit!
Veniamo a sapere dal nostro infaticabile compagno Gioacchino che i suoi contributi al codice di OpenWrt (oltre al lavoro su Libre-Mesh e allo studio per una laurea in informatica) stanno procedendo; facendogli dei gran complimenti riportiamo quello che ci racconta di questo progetto.
This is my first time as GSoC student and I am very glad to have been accepted in the Freifunk organization. I am a computer science student, therefore my life should be full of this kind of experiences, but unfortunately there are few possibilities to develop interesting applications and get a decent wage, due to the ever-increasing cuts in the sphere of research. The university offers several tedious unpaid apprenticeship with few learning value, generally works that machines are supposed to do instead of human beings. Moreover, the state of uncertainty that austerity politics ail people, kills their creativity. The GSoC wage, in addition to community help and fertile environment, will allow me to have some tranquility and time to devote myself to think on creative ideas and implementing a long awaited feature in OpenWRT.